Merino Sire Evaluation Sites

About the Sites

Merino sire evaluation sites are located throughout the major wool growing regions of Australia. There are currently 9 active sites with over 130 sires participating in the sire evaluation program. Sites are independently managed by a local committee who decide on a locally-relevant Breeding Objective, call for sire entrants and select sires for evaluation. Evaluation is then carried out according to the requirements set by the Australian Merino Sire Evaluation Association (AMSEA).

Past Evaluation Sites

Since Merino Sire Evaluation commenced in 1989, a number of sites have previously undertaken trails but are not currently operating. These trials include Tasmania, World’s Finest Ram (VIC), Badgingarra (WA), Longreach (QLD), Monaro (NSW), Bollon (QLD), South West Slopes (NSW) and Riverina (NSW). Reports from the majority of the trials run in these past sites are still available and offer an interesting insight into the history of Merino Sire Evaluation in Australia.